Ango | Peaceful Dwelling

Ango, which translates as "peaceful dwelling,” has been a traditional 90-day practice period in Zen for centuries.

We come together to deepen in the realization of our true nature and awaken wisdom and compassion.

We invite all to join in our Fall 2024 Ango practice period.

Programs are available for all levels, beginners and seasoned practitioners, local and remote, in person and online.

Our theme for this year's Ango is Appreciate Your Life as the Awakened Life.

“No one can live your life except you. No one can live my life except me. We do not see that our life right here, right now, is nirvana. Our practice is to close the gap between what we think our life is and our actual life as the subtle mind of nirvana. Or more to the point, how can we realize that there is really no gap to begin with? Appreciate the world of just this! There is nothing extra."
- Taizan Maezumi Roshi

We invite you to join the Eon Zen Sangha in a three-month period of practice and study of appreciating your life. Together with the sangha, you will:

  • Deepen your quality of life through the presence practices of Zen: awaken your sensory experience, become an engaged participant in nature and cosmos, access the inherent joy of being alive.

  • Develop insight into your unique life path: in the midst of your unique karmic conditions, what commitments call to you? What are your vows?

  • Cultivate your positive qualities: by practicing the perfections of the Bodhisattva, we co-create a generative field for wisdom and compassion to grow. What we appreciate appreciates!

Ango Programs

See below for the many offerings to deepen your practice individually and with sangha during the 2024 Ango intensive practice period.

There are ample opportunities for you to personalize your practice for your interests and circumstances. You can join morning meditation sittings with the sangha once or twice a week, participate in monthly retreats (in person or remote), attend a class series, explore the Foundations Class, and join in the monthly serving at the All Roads Shelter (Boulder local).

Click the button next to each program for more details and registration.  

Ango Membership

If you are not already a member of Eon Zen, you can join in Eon Zen Center programs throughout the three months of Ango at a reduced rate. Members of other White Plum-affiliated practice centers receive an additional 50% off. Zen@Work Sangha Members automatically receive full Ango benefits.

Set your Intentions

You can use the online form below to clarify your intentions for Ango and share them confidentially with Gyodo Sensei.

You may also download a pdf version to write down your intentions and keep them visible as a reminder to help you maintain effort.

Practice with Sangha

Daily Zazen (online)
Morning meditation offered online over zoom.
6:20-7:30am MT Mon-Fri (two periods)
(online zendo opens at 6:00am)
8:00-9:00am MT Sat-Sun (two periods)

Weekly Sangha Practice and Dharma Talk
Monday Evening talks exploring the theme of Appreciating Your LIfe with Zazen and Sangha Discussion afterward.

Monthly Retreats
Join in extended meditation retreats:
September 20-22 Ango Entering Sesshin
October 12: Dancing Zen (Half day)
November 2: Enter Here Retreat
November 16: Zazenkai with Jukai Ceremony
December 6-8: Rohatsu Sesshin

Dokusan and Daisan

During Morning Zazen:
Dokusan: face-to-face teaching with Gyodo Sensei M/W/F 6:50-7:30am MT
Daisan: Personal Interview with Dharma Holder Geoff Shōun T/Th 6:50-7:30am MT


Precept Study Series (3 sessions):
Oct 2, Oct 29, Nov 26

Zen Life Path Series (4 sessions)
Oct 16, Nov 6 and 20, Dec 4

Zen Foundations Course (12 online modules)
A self-paced online curriculum that gives a comprehensive and practical grounding in the experience and principles of Zen Buddhism. (Included with Zen Student and Ango Memberships.
Login and go to your account to access.


Serving Dinner at All Roads Shelter
Sept 27, Oct 25, Nov 22, Dec 27

Service with the Sangha
Assist with setting up meditation cushions or other needs for Monday Program or Retreats. Email to discuss options.

Set Your Intentions

You can use this online form to clarify your intentions for Ango and share them confidentially with Gyodo Sensei.

You may also download a pdf version to write down your intentions and keep them visible as a reminder to help you maintain effort.

Personal Commitment

This Ango I set the intention to intensify my practice in the areas of Practice, Study & Service: