Social Action
Serving and engaging in community is fundamental to Zen Buddhism.
Eon Zen sangha members join in social and civic actions in our local Boulder community and beyond with the Zen Peacemakers global sangha.
At Eon Zen, we practice the Three Tenets of Zen Peacemakers: Not-knowing, Bearing Witness, and Taking Action.
The action that arises from this practice is a caring action which serves everyone and everything, including yourself, in the whole situation.
Through the practice of meditation and the Three Tenets, we touch and embrace the unity, dignity, and equality of all beings. We practice with mutual vulnerability and care. Mindfully attending to what is needed with warmth and friendliness, we realize the true nature of service through the practice of not-one, not-two.
Please consider joining us in the efforts that speak to your heart.
See details below.
May Healing and Peace Prevail
Buddhist Global Relief fund helping the hungry in Gaza.
Monthly Bearing Witness Council focused on Gaza. Facilitated by Roshi Barbara Wegmeuller, Sensei Jorge Koho Mello, Sensei Grant Fukui Couch.
A Community Discussion about the Israel-Hamas War (recorded Nov 9, 2023). Informal panel discussion about the war in Israel and Palestine moderated by Roshi Eve Myonen Marko with peace activists living in the region — Tani Katz and Iris Katz who live in central Israel and Sami Awad, who lives in Palestine on the West Bank, and Dina Awad, living in northern Israel..
What is Love Asking from Us? Reflections on Gaza and the Bodhisattva Path by Tara Brach
Other dialogues and programs on Israel/Palestine relations in the Zen Peacemakers Media Library.
Palestine and Israel
Fearless Hearts: Women Leaders in Contemplative Social Action with Ella Reznikova recorded August 28 at 10am MDT. Translator, meditation teacher and conflict mediator, Ella Reznikova talks about her work with Compassion for Ukraine whose mission is to radiate compassion to those in Ukraine who suffer from the unjust and unjustified invasion by Russia.
Current Situation in Ukraine and Poland: Refugee Needs (recorded March 19, 2024) Polish Peacemakers, Orina Krajewska of Małgosia Braunek “Be” Foundation and the Zwiazek Buddyjski/Kanzeon Sangha in Warsaw, along with volunteer and activist Vladyslav Gryn as they talk about the situation in Ukraine and Poland, as well as refugee needs. Vladyslav describes not only life in Ukraine two years after the beginning of war, but also talks about the most urgent needs, based on the constant contact he has had with NGOs in Ukraine supporting those who are in the most danger and those who suffer expulsion. Orina will talk about the programs in Poland dedicated to helping refugees as well as supporting solidarity.
Ukraine and Russia
See more programs on the Zen Peacemakers Events page.
There are hundreds of other armed conflicts not listed here. May we lift our hearts to transform
ignorance, violence, and suffering and may we not turn away from all those experiencing physical and emotional pain and loss from war and violent conflict around the world.
Serving Dinner at All Roads
Eon Zen prepares and serves dinner on the fourth Friday of each month from 5:30-7:45pm at All Roads Leading the Way Home (formerly the Boulder Shelter for the Homeless) to our neighbors who are currently experiencing homelessness. This event is open to people who practice with our meditation sangha as well as friends/family. This is a great opportunity to bring mindfulness into joyful service with other sangha members.
To join:
Read the Volunteer Requirements & Guidelines
Complete the Application on All Roads website to join the Eon Zen Volunteer Group.
Sign up on the form on this page for the dates you would like to join in service at the Shelter.
Our Kitchen Lead, Laurie Kuden Bayless, is the contact and coordinator for our group. Please reach out to her at laurieb@eonexus.com with questions or changes with your schedule.
This is an overview of the basic requirements to join the Eon Zen Volunteer group. Please review all volunteer requirements and guidelines including the confidentiality policy here.
We need 8 people to have a solid dinner serving crew. Your role as a volunteer is a critical part of our service. We would not be able to serve hot meals or provide the level of service we do to the residents without your support. Please arrive for your scheduled shift on time and stay for the period of time for which you have committed.
If something urgent comes up and you cannot make it to a shift, please contact our Kitchen Lead in advance as soon as possible and remove yourself from the web-based volunteer calendar.
Age Requirement
Youth volunteers must be at least 14 years old and be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times while at the Shelter. Volunteers between the age of 14 and 17 must be accompanied by a parent / guardian volunteer. Additionally, there are a limited number of roles that youth volunteers are pemitted to fill.
If you are feeling sick or demonstrating the following symptoms, please don’t come in for your volunteer shift, contact our Kitchen Lead with notice:
Sore Throat with Fever
Infected Cuts or Lesions on Hands/Wrists
Persistent Coughing, Sneezing, Runny NoseFood Worker PoliciesAll Kitchen Volunteers must maintain good hygienic practices as outlined in the kitchen guidelines.
Please review all Kitchen guidelines here.
Location and Transportation
All Roads Leading the Way Home is located at 4869 Broadway.
If you drive, you can park in the parking lot or on the street next to the lot. The shelter is also easily accessible on the SKIP bus line or by bike or walking.
Our shift is on the 4th Friday of the month from 5:30-7:45pm. Please plan on arriving in time to be in the kitchen and ready to go at 5:30pm.
Where to Go
When you arrive at the shelter go to the glass door entrance on the parking lot, at the northwest side of the building. The door will be locked but there is a button to request a staff member to come let you in.
What to Wear / Bring
Please make sure to wear closed toed shoes, long pants, and comfortable clothing you don’t mind potentially getting a little dirty.
If you have a backpack or bulky jackets with you, ask staff if you can hang these items in Dorm Supply during your shift.
There are aprons in the kitchen, but they are not guaranteed to be clean, so you are welcome to bring your own if you would like.
Please reach out to All Roads staff on site if you have any questions or concerns during your shift.
GreenFaith Boulder County
A number of our members are active with GreenFaith, a worldwide multi-faith climate justice and environmental movement.
The GreenFaith Boulder County Circle hosts monthly social meetups, cross-quarter gatherings and interfaith actions that provide opportunities for spiritual reflection, education, training, and creative mobilizing around climate change and environmental justice.
Sign Up to join the Green Faith Boulder County email list to receive information about Calls to Action, Trainings, and other climate-related events and connect with other people who love the planet.