Support Eon Zen
We appreciate all contributions in support of our mission to cultivate awakened mind in the service of reducing suffering wherever we find it.
Your donation allows us to offer in-person and online programs and a strong community for all who seek to practice Zen. Thanks to our donors, we are also able to offer reduced rates and scholarships so our programs are accessible to everyone.
Your generosity will ripple out to benefit many and help to ensure that the practice and teachings of Zen Buddhism will continue.
We thank you for your support.
Another way to support Eon Zen is by remembering us in your will. Making a bequest of funds or property offers a number of important advantages, including allowing donors to redistribute the material wealth accumulated in their life for the lasting benefit of a larger spiritual community.
Your act of generosity will serve many others throughout space and time.
If you include Eon Zen Center in your estate plans, it is helpful to inform us. Please reach out to us at staff@eonzen.org and we can discuss your interest.