Sean Tetsudo Murphy, Sensei, a teacher and lineage holder in the White Plum Zen Asanga, leads a deep dive into a contemporary way of working with the ancient wisdom teachings on the five skandhas.
This approach to the ancient wisdom teachings on the Five Skandhas was originally developed by Roshi Bernie Glassman and further developed by Tetsudo Sensei in his work with college students as well as with experienced Zen practitioners and participants in his Sage Institute Meditation Leader Training program.
Working with them through this method is particularly effective in dismantling conditioned mind and emotional states and other blockages to transformation in our life and practice.
The Five Skandhas as Tetsudo Sensei likes to refer to them are:
Feeling - like, dislike, or neutral
Story (traditionally called "consciousness")
Recorded in August 2023, the three hour video seminar includes a Q&A with Eon Zen sangha members on their experiences with the Five Skandhas in their lives.
If you've ever struggled with finding the next step in shedding unskillful patterns of thought, emotion, and action and opening the heart of wisdom and compassion in a broader way, this seminar is for you.
Sean Tetsudo Murphy, Sensei, is a teacher and lineage holder in the White Plum Zen Asanga, and received transmission from Gerry Shishin Wick Roshi in 2019. He is also an award-winning author and recipient of a recent National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship in Creative Writing.
Founder and director of The Sage Institute of Taos, NM, he directs Sage’s online Meditation and Mindfulness Leader Training Program, as well as regular online beginning and intermediate meditation classes and similar programs.
Learn more at sagetaos.com and murphyzen.com