Receiving the Precepts
In the Zen tradition, the Buddhist Precepts are entered into as life-guiding principles based on the experience of no-self.
We take refuge in the three treasures:
BUDDHA | our awakened nature
DHARMA | all the phenomena of existence, witnessed clearly
SANGHA | the harmony of all beings and phenomena in awakenedness
You can make this commitment at varying levels of depth. You may simply set an intention to take refuge in your practice; you may formally take the Buddhist vows and receive the precepts through a Jukai Ceremony; and you may commit to a specific teacher, lineage or practice for the rest of your life. Or it may be something in between.
Ultimately, the most important thing is to be true to your heart.
A 3-session Precept Study class is offered each year for anyone who desires to explore and discuss the Precepts. See details below.
Practitioners wishing to receive the precepts and take the Buddhist vows formally through the Jukai Ceremony must meet with Gyodo Sensei to discuss their interest. The Precept Study Sessions are mandatory for those who are interested taking Jukai.

The Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts
I take refuge in the Buddha
I take refuge in the Dharma
I take refuge in the Sangha
Not Creating Evil
Practicing Good
Actualizing Good For Others
Affirm life; Do not kill
Be giving; Do not steal
Honor the body; Do not misuse sexuality
Manifest truth; Do not lie
Proceed clearly; Do not cloud the mind
See the perfection; Do not speak of others errors and faults
Realize self and other as one; Do not elevate the self and blame others
Give generously; Do not be withholding
Actualize harmony; Do not be angry
Experience the intimacy of things; Do not defile the Three Treasures
Precepts Study Series
The 3-session Precepts Study Series is held online, typically in the Fall, led by Paul Gyodo Agostinelli Sensei and Eon Zen Practice Leaders Geoff Shōun O’Keeffe and Lisa Gakyo Schaewe. The zoom link will be provided to those who register.
The contribution to attend all three session is $75. Scholarships are available if needed.
Registration is now open to join in the 2025 Fall Precepts Study Series. Dates for the sessions to be determined.
If you are considering also taking Jukai, please discuss your interest with Gyodo Sensei.