Dana Paramita: No Giving No Receiving No Gift

At the heart of Dana Paramita is the koan: Who gives? Who receives? And what is being given? When they are all empty, there is no giving, no receiving, and no gift. Tang master Baizhang said, "To practice giving is to practice letting go. You let go of narrow views. You let go of the idea that things are small, and tight, graspable, and possessable.” 

In traditional teachings, there are three types of gifts that are mentioned: material things (including our time and attention), spiritual teachings and inspiration, and fearlessness. The gift of fearlessness is especially deep. What are all the ways, large and small, when we might be holding back? How can we be generous, instead? Including with ourselves? This is a lifelong practice. 


Seeking and Not Finding: A Tale of the Missing Sea Turtles


Enter Zen From Here. Then What?