Yoga / Tai Chi / Chi Kung (Qigong)
Yoga, Tai Chi, and Chi Kung (Qigong) are all profound practices that cultivate embodied awareness and integrate body, breath and mind through movement.
Identify a somatic practice that you would like to develop or practice. If you are new to the practice, find a teacher or classes to learn the basic postures and techniques so you can practice safely and effectively. Online apps and videos can serve to guide and encourage.
Choose a frequency that you will commit to for you practice - for example: 3x/week or daily for one month. It helps to choose a regular time for practice to support your commitment. While practicing bring your awareness to your breath and the alignment and flow of your body throughout.
Notice afterward how your body-mind feels afterward and how the movement integrates with stillness. Meditating after practicing can support this awareness.