Roshi Gerry Shishin Wick
Gerry Shishin Wick, Roshi is the Co-Spiritual Director of the Great Mountain Zen Center in Berthoud, Colorado, and a Dharma Successor of Taizan Maezumi Roshi, having received transmission in 1990 after 24 years of Zen training under Maezumi, Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, and Sochu Suzuki Roshi. In January, 2006 he received Inka from Roshi Bernie Glassman in the White Plum Asanga and the Zen Peacemaker Order.
In May 2007, he was elected President of the White Plum Asanga, the organization of Zen teachers in the lineage of Maezumi Roshi. In 2014 when Shishin Roshi stepped down as President of White Plum Asanga, he was acknowledged as an Elder in the organization.
Shishin Roshi is the author of three books including The Book of Equanimity: Illuminating Classic Zen Koans, My American Zen Life, and co-author of The Great Heart Way with Ilia Shinko Perez, Roshi.