Roshi Karin Ryuku Kempe
Karin Ryuku Kempe, Roshi is the co-spiritual director of the Zen Center of Denver, along with Peggy Metta Sheehan Sensei. She has been practicing Zen since 1971, beginning at the Rochester Zen Center with Philip Kapleau Roshi and then with Toni Packer. Ryuku worked as a family physician for 20 years while raising her family. She practiced with Shishin Wick Roshi, dharma heir of Taizan Maezumi Roshi, at the Great Mountain Zen Center, receiving jukai from him in 1997. Karin Roshi completed her koan training in 2005 with Danan Henry Roshi at the Zen Center of Denver, and served as an assistant teacher until receiving dharma transmission in 2010.