Eightfold Path Practice

Review the list of the Eightfold Path and create one of your own to post in your home. Reflect through meditation and journaling how each is manifesting in your life. Set aside a few minutes each day for this reflection or practice intentionally with each one in your life for a given period, perhaps for a week.

The Eightfold Path

  • RIGHT VIEW : A true understanding of how reality and suffering are intertwined.

  • RIGHT RESOLVE: The aspiration to act with correct intention, doing no harm.

  • RIGHT SPEECH: Abstaining from lying, and divisive or abusive speech.

  • RIGHT ACTION: Acting in ways that do not cause harm, such as not taking life, not stealing, and not engaging in sexual misconduct.

  • RIGHT LIVELIHOOD: Making an ethically sound living, being honest in business dealings.

  • RIGHT EFFORT: Endeavoring to give rise to skillful thoughts, words, and deeds and renouncing unskillful ones.

  • RIGHT MINDFULNESS: Being mindful of one’s body, feelings, mind, and mental qualities.

  • RIGHT CONCENTRATION: Practicing skillful meditation informed by all of the preceding seven aspects.


Tea Ceremony


Body Scan