Mindful Eating
Begin with preparation. Do one task at a time. Turn off other distractions. Set your dishes and utensils mindfully. Place your food carefully and intentionally. Clean your prep space. Encourage others to join you or eat alone.
Begin with the meal gatha and gassho (palms together), or simply gassho before eating the food.
Earth, water, fire, air and space combine to make this food.
Numberless beings gave their lives and labors that we might eat.
May we be nourished that we may nourish life.
Serve yourself small portions. Pay attention to each bite or spoonful as you take it. Chew and swallow slowly and completely before taking another. If you pause to drink, lay your utensil deliberately and then pick up your cup and place it down again.
Notice the texture, temperature, sound and flavor of each bite. Notice your thoughts, your breath, and how your body accepts the food. Eat everything.
Clean your prep tools, bowls, plates, glasses and utensils carefully and put everything away. Leave counters and sinks and stove clean for the next use. Bow and exit.